In Richard Ayoade’s The Double, which premiered this week at the Toronto International Film Festival, Mia Wasikowska plays Hannah, an enigmatic and artistic young woman caught in a bizarre love triangle of sorts with two men who are outwardly identical, but polar opposites in how they interact with their dystopian world (both roles are played by Wasikowska’s […]
Mia Wasikowska Talks Working With Richard Ayoade & Jesse Eisenberg In ‘The Double’
Richard Ayoade Talks His Unsettling (And Awesome) TIFF Drama ‘The Double’ Starring Jesse Eisenberg
At the world premiere of The Double, British director Richard Ayoade’s second film, Toronto International Film Festival Artistic Director Cameron Bailey called Ayoade “one of the sharpest wits” in filmmaking, and the audience reacted with unbridled glee… Ayoade and co-screenwriter Avi Korine have adapted Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s unsettling novella of the same name… Ayoade is an exhilarating young filmmaker, and his distinctive outlook and sharp humor […]