Social Media for Moviemakers: Everything You Always Wanted to Know


Note: This article was originally published by MovieMaker Magazine. Keeping up with your crazy cousins, reconnecting with your high-school crush, maybe even documenting your every meal—you use social media in your everyday life. Yet developing platforms for your film is a different story. If your budget is small, social media should represent a healthy percentage […]

Social Media is Social: 7 Tips for Filmmakers

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Social media is a crucial part of crowdfunding, and if you are considering a campaign, it’s important to start creating a community well before your kickoff. In other words, if a campaign launches on a Facebook page with no fans, does it really launch? (One hand clapping? Hello?) Lay the groundwork ahead of time, and […]

What We Talk About When We Talk About Sharing


10 Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Filmmakers Two weeks ago, I introduced the updated Seed&Spark Social Media Handbook 2.0  and focused on 10 Tips For Crowdfunding Filmmakers. Since then, you’ve thought carefully about which platforms to focus on. You’ve chosen consistent handles, uploaded profile pics and cover photos that reflect your key art, etc. So now what? What […]

Be a Social Media Star: 10 Tips for Filmmakers


Social media is not rocket science, but it takes time to build a broad, dynamic, engaged community. Attracting the right audience takes patience, tenacity and a whole lot of authenticity. Photo courtesy Jason Howie, Creative Commons Community building and awareness are the key tenets of any marketing plan—and if you’re crowdfunding, that means social media […]

Amplify the Message: Social Media at Your Festival Debut


Note: This piece first appeared on Seed & Spark and The Huffington Post. You’ve read a lot about social media best practices — after all, it’s the best way to market your film for free. Though building an audience early on might not translate to transactions just yet, you will have already established a community to talk to […]